Wilfie started River Preschool in September..

I had never left him with anyone but my mum before so I was very nervous but all the ladies are really welcoming, kind and reassuring so I knew he would be in safe hands.

Wilfie struggles a little with speech and social skills which we had picked up on before he started nursery.

The preschool has worked with us to put things in place and change a few things so Wilfie is comfortable attending.. They have sorted a referral so he can get the extra help he needs to progress and they have been so supportive to me.

There is so much for Wilfie to do at preschool, he enjoys playing outside, going across to River primary school on the timber trail and the preschool is full of all his favourite toys. We have really seen a difference in him since he started..

For me I like that they keep us parents up to date with the blue folder which has pictures to show us what our children have been up too which is great for me as Wilfie can’t tell me yet what he’s done.

I see how happy he is and enjoying himself whilst there so I know I made the right choice sending him to River Preschool.